Exercise and Fitness: Insights From 48 Years In the Gym

Episode 1780: Exercise and Fitness: Insights From 48 Years In the Gym

Show notes

Every week I will be sharing an episode from The Holistic Navigator Podcast. I like Ed's personal podcast and maybe you will too! This podcast is not diagnosis or treat any disease or illness. Consult your physician before taking supplements or medications OR before you stop taking medications. This is for entertainment and informational purposes only - do your own research and talk to your doctor as needed! Enjoy! www.theholisticnavigator.com

We’re well into the first month of a new year. The gyms are still packed as everyone tries to make good on their resolutions and works to achieve the fitness goals they made and the beginning of a new year. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned exercise veteran, there are always tips and tricks that help you get your body to the level of fitness you desire.

In this episode, Ed speaks about a few of his fitness achievements and some hard lessons he’s learned over the 48 years of regularly working out. He speaks about what to do if you’re just beginning, supplements that can help give you that extra boost, what to do and what not to do when weight lifting, why varying your exercises is so important, and how exercise can be the best medicine for the soul and mind.

Some Topics We Discussed: Why is exercise important for health? (1:08)

For someone that is living a sedentary lifestyle, what is the best advice to get started in the gym? (8:35)

Can you get enough cardio exercise by doing high intensity weight training? (11:49)

What are some of the myths about exercise that need to be addressed? (16:43)

What are some supplements that help maximize their workouts? (19:49)

What’s Ed’s take on stretching before a workout? (30:43)

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