Falling Down the Rabbit Holes! Rockefellers - Big Pharma - One World Government - AND MUCH MORE!

Episode 1682: Falling Down the Rabbit Holes! Rockefellers - Big Pharma - One World Government - AND MUCH MORE!

Show notes

Just WOW! I sat down with Justin and Rebecca and we talked! Some of what we talked about was nutrition - the money behind big pharma - trust and propaganda - and 'normal' stuff! THEN - there are other topics we covered that are...well, interesting! Rabbit holes you may say! Lots of opinions - theories - ideas - and did I say opinions! We coverd the illuminati - the founding of modern medicine with the Rockefellers - the one world Government idea - AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!

*Disclaimer - we gave opinions - we are not treating conditions OR advising you or anyone to not seek medical attention or to stop medical treatments! This was for entertainment purposes and we encourage to do your own research and if you do have questions - ask a professional expert you trust.

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