Matthew Durham Joins Of-By-and For the People! Conversations Centered Around the American Experiment!

Episode 301: Matthew Durham Joins Of-By-and For the People! Conversations Centered Around the American Experiment!

Show notes

Of - By - and For the People. This time Eric is joined by Matthew Durham! Matthew approaches things from more of a liberal perspective and it was a really good conversation. Another episode all about the American experiment.

Who is Matthew Durham: Matthew Durham has worked on a factory assembly line as well as in sales, roofing, cancer research, and now psychology research. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and his Master’s degree in Psychology from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and recently published his Master’s thesis. His research focus is on reducing political prejudice and polarization, and his thesis sought to bring conservatives and liberals together for direct one-on-one conversations. Seeing very promising results, Matthew is now looking to learn more and expand his research as he begins his Ph.D.

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