Our Relationship with Food as we Age with Matt Davis and Ed Jones! 18 TO 80 PODCAST MASHUP!

Episode 1981: Our Relationship with Food as we Age with Matt Davis and Ed Jones! 18 TO 80 PODCAST MASHUP!

Show notes

Let's talk food AND our relationship to it as we age! I was joined in-studio by IFBB Pro Bodybuilder, Matt Davis, and owner of Nutrition World, Ed Jones! We talk macros - goals - why do we eat - mindsets - good fats/bad fats - carbs - cravings - and MORE! www.18to80podcast.com

Mother Nature and Father Time are undefeated! That doesn't mean we have to go quietly into that good night! Nope - we can live intentionally! Supplements - Vitamins - Mindsets - Bio Hacks - Science - Food - Exercise - Sleep - Habits - Relationships - all wrapped up in data, stories, and conversations! Join Clint Powell and his co-hosts to talk about aging from 18 to 80! Please consider leaving us a review on Apple and giving us a share to your friends!

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