Rest Your Best: Simple Steps Towards Better Sleep (A Holistic Navigator Podcast Mash-up)

Episode 1727: Rest Your Best: Simple Steps Towards Better Sleep (A Holistic Navigator Podcast Mash-up)

Show notes

Every week I will be sharing an episode from The Holistic Navigator Podcast. I like Ed's personal podcast and maybe you will too! This podcast is not diagnosis or treat any disease or illness. Consult your physician before taking supplements or medications OR before you stop taking medications. This is for entertainment and informational purposes only - do your own research and talk to your doctor as needed! Enjoy!

Welcome to the Holistic Navigator Podcast, where we believe the body has the ability to heal itself, if given the proper nutrients and care.

There are not many things worse than being completely sleep deprived and trying to function normally. We’ve all been there. We lie in bed, bodies exhausted, and stare at the ceiling for hours praying that sleep will come. What if it didn’t have to be this way? What if there were simple, but effective steps we could take each day to help us sleep better?

Ed has seen the effects of sleep deprivation over and over. It can be linked to many adverse health conditions and can wreak havoc on the body. He not only has many great recommendations in this episode, but puts each one of these into practice every night when he goes to bed. If you’re struggling to fall asleep and stay asleep (which is nearly everyone), listen in for some great tips!

Some Topics We Discussed: Sleep quality, insomnia, and natural remedies. (0:06)

Improving sleep quality through natural methods. (4:45)

Improving sleep quality through various techniques. (8:40)

Natural remedies for sleep improvement. (12:54)

Natural sleep remedies and mindfulness. (17:46)

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