Weight Loss and Blood Chemistry: Why It's Important to Know Your Numbers

Episode 1752: Weight Loss and Blood Chemistry: Why It's Important to Know Your Numbers

Show notes

Every week I will be sharing an episode from The Holistic Navigator Podcast. I like Ed's personal podcast and maybe you will too! This podcast is not diagnosis or treat any disease or illness. Consult your physician before taking supplements or medications OR before you stop taking medications. This is for entertainment and informational purposes only - do your own research and talk to your doctor as needed! Enjoy! www.theholisticnavigator.com

The majority of people in America have struggled with staying at a healthy weight at some point in their lives. Obesity rates are sky-rocketing, but what’s to blame for this growing epidemic? Sure fast food and a culture of convenience play a part, but what if it’s more than that?

In this episode, Ed discusses some often overlooked contributing factors to weight loss. What we eat is important, but what our bodies and blood have to say can be life changing. Knowing how your body will react to the nutrients you put in is paramount to staying at a healthy weight. Join us as we teach you how to start and succeed in your weight loss journey.

Some Topics We Discussed: What are some of the common things a physician might say in regards to losing weight? (4:17) What would Ed recommend to anyone wanting to lose weight? (7:40) What are some supplements that can help get our blood chemistry balanced to assist in weight loss? (11:13) What is the difference between being healthy externally vs internally? (20:11) Is there a one-size-fits-all way to lose weight? (28:28)

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