Weight Loss and Muscle Gain Starts Outside of the Gym with IFBB Pro Matt Davis with The Holistic Navigator

Episode 1910: Weight Loss and Muscle Gain Starts Outside of the Gym with IFBB Pro Matt Davis with The Holistic Navigator

Show notes

Every week I will be sharing an episode from The Holistic Navigator Podcast. This podcast is not to diagnosis or treat any disease or illness. Consult your physician before taking supplements or medications OR before you stop taking medications. This is for entertainment and informational purposes only - do your own research and talk to your doctor as needed! Enjoy! www.theholisticnavigator.com

Whether you’re planning a beach vacation and want to be confident in that new bathing suit, prepping for a body building competition, or you just want to accomplish your health goals, hitting the gym is what most people think is needed to build your best physique. The truth is much of the work is done outside of the gym and in your own home at the dinner table and your bed. Even if we train daily and exercise until we drop, if we don’t pay attention to what we’re eating, how much we sleep, AND what we do in the gym, few of us will actually meet the goals we set for ourselves.

On this week’s episode we have IFBB Pro Matt Davis to set the record straight. The world of “sports nutrition” supplements gets a little sketchy at times, but Matt is proof that a simple diet, clean supplements and a lot of know how can give you the best physique you’ve ever had.

Some Questions We Discuss: What do we tell people that have a goal in mind that will help them reach their goal? (7:07) What are the four concepts needed for someone to build themselves to the physique they desire? (9:22) What is the ideal nutrition plan to follow? (19:09) You have to have adequate essential fats. Where do you get those from? (23:31) What are your thoughts on sports nutrition supplements? (26:15) How much protein per pound of body weight do you take? (27:21) How do you choose the highest quality food? (29:15) What are the foods you avoid? (30:34)

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